Tuesday 27 May 2014

Eggless Fresh Mango Cake with Nuts & Raisins

Eggless Fresh Mango Cake with Nuts & Raisins
The mango season is just about getting over and I still can't get over the king of fruits! The number of recipes that this fruit can be a part of is amazing - pickles, dals, curries, desserts, juices, the list is endless and the taste, rich, sweet and sour, delightful! 

One such recipe is a quick and easy cake using fresh mango pulp/ puree! Don't believe me? Try it and let me know if your taste buds enjoyed it!

Prep Time: 15 mins | Cooking Time: 6-7 mins | Servings: about 15 slices


  1. Mango Puree/ Pulp - 1-1½ cup (I used 2 medium sized 'Badami' mango)
  2. All purpose flour/ Maida - 2 cups
  3. Milk - ½ cup
  4. Sugar - ¾ cup
  5. Condensed Milk - ½ cup
  6. Vinegar or Lemon Juice - 1 tablespoon
  7. Refined Oil - 2 tablespoons
  8. Baking Powder - 1½  teaspoon
  9. Baking Soda - ½  teaspoon
  10. Vanilla Essence - ½  teaspoon
  11. Nuts & Raisins - 1 cup (I used about ¾ cup walnuts and filled the rest with raisins)

  • Add mango pulp, sugar, condensed milk, milk, oil, vinegar, vanilla essence in a bowl and mix till the sugar dissolves.

  • Sieve the maida, baking powder and baking soda and slowly add it to the mango pulp mixture and keep whisking lightly to ensure there are no lumps. Add nuts and raisins and mix evenly.

  • Grease a microwave bowl and add the mixture to it. Microwave on high for about 6-7 minutes. Rest the cake for 5 minutes. Serve once cool.

Serve the cake with Vanilla Ice cream, Mango ice cream or just as is.. Enjoy the flavour of the season!

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