Wednesday 15 January 2014

Makar Sankranti Special: Gulachi Poli (Indian Flatbread stuffed with Jaggery)

Makar Sankranti, the harvest festival of Maharashtra is celebrated in different forms (and with different names) across communities throughout the country. Besides marking the start of the harvest festival, it is also the beginning of the movement of the Sun into the northern hemisphere. The day is noted as the beginning of an auspicious phase in Indian culture and people usually dress up in new black clothes, exchange sweets and gifts and fly colourful kites. The significance of wearing black is that since the festival is celebrated in winter, black retains and absorbs heat, keeping everyone warm. 

Makar Sankranti special Gulachi Poli
Like any other Indian festival, the highlight of Sankranti is the special ingredients used to prepare sweets and delicacies - sesame, sugar, jaggery, ghee (keeping us warm) being the main components. We exchange coloured 'halwa' (sesame coated with sugar syrup) or 'til-gul' (sweets prepared using sesame and jaggery) and greet each other with 'Til-gul ghya goad bola'. And what's Sankranti in a Marathi household without the irresistible aroma and flavours of the gul poli (flatbread stuffed with jaggery mixture)! Here's a loud cheer to all the Maharashtrians out there and a step-by-step recipe for the perfect, yummylicious Gul Poli! 

GULACHI POLI (Indian Flatbread stuffed with a Jaggery Mixture)
Prep Time: 1 hour | Cooking Time: 2 hours (to make 25-30 rotis) | Servings: 25-30 rotis

  1. Jaggery - 500gm
  2. Chickpea Flour (Besan) - 100 gm
  3. Sesame Seeds - 50 gm
  4. Cardamom Powder - 1 teaspoon
  5. Nutmeg Powder - ½ teaspoon
  6. Refined Oil - Approx 75 ml (besan should immerse well in oil while roasting it)
  7. For making Rotis (Flatbreads)
    • Wheat Flour - 200 gm
    • Maida - 200 gm
    • Besan - 1 tablespoon
    • Oil - 2-3 tablespoons
    • Water - to knead the dough (should be stiffer than roti dough)

  • Grate or finely cut jaggery and set aside. Roast sesame seeds and finely powder them. 

  • Heat a pan and add oil. Roast besan till it turns golden brown. 

  • Once the besan is lukewarm, add jaggery, sesame seeds, cardamom and nutmeg powders and mix. Churn this mixture using a food processor or grinder till it is evenly mixed and roll small balls (the size of a pedha) for stuffing into the roti dough. For the dough, mix wheat flour, maida, oil and water and knead to form a stiff dough and roll small balls (slightly bigger than the jaggery mixture)

  • Press the dough ball lightly between your palms and slightly flatten the edges using your thumb and index finger. Stuff the jaggery mixture into it and close it. It is now ready to be rolled into a roti.

  • Roll the roti lightly, without using too much pressure (else the jaggery mixture will spill out). Heat a skillet or frying pan and roast the roti using ghee. Serve with a dollop of homemade ghee! 

It's a tad bit late, but hoping you all have had a splendid Sankranti and there's no harm trying this yummylicious roti on a cold afternoon - sit back and let the combination of jaggery, sesame and ghee warm you up!! 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Chocolate Cake in 6 Minutes

I always thought microwave cooking is a complex, still worse, a perplexing task - you measure ingredients accurately (something we rarely do in Indian homes, it is mostly our gut feeling or experience passed on from generations), calculate measurements vis-à-vis temperatures (mathematics was never my favourite subject), using eggs to make desserts, people scaring me all the time saying a few seconds here and there could ruin the dish and so on... Over the last few months I was observing a friend dishing out delicious desserts and other recipes and having absolute fun at it... My New Year gift this year was a Microwave - leaving me pleasantly surprised and I was automatically seen making a resolution with myself that I will learn the basics of microwave cooking, and more importantly, enjoy the experience! As long as you love to cook, the method or mode of cooking should be the least of your worries - what is essential is cooking from your heart and dishing out wonders from the kitchen for your loved ones!

Cook up a spongy Chocolate Cake in 6 Minutes! 
My giant leap in microwave cooking, or 'I-can-control-the-machine-and-cook-something-tasty' Moment sprang last evening when my aunt shared a wonderfully easy cake recipe ("Baking and Easy?!?!" is what I always thought., but this was literally a cakewalk - you don't need a convection/ grill for this one either!) that made my New Year's Eve and surprised all my loved ones at home too!!! My spongy, delicious chocolate cake was ready in literally 6 minutes... Here's a low down on the recipe  

Prep Time: 12-15 mins | Cooking Time: 6 mins | Servings: 8-10 big pieces

  1. Maida - 1½ cup (150 gm)
  2. Sugar - 1 cup heaped (approx 175 gm)
  3. Cocoa Powder - 4 tablespoons (heaped)
  4. Baking Soda - 1 teaspoon
  5. Water - 1 cup (150 ml)
  6. Oil - ⅓  cup (50 ml)
  7. Vanilla Essence - 1-2 teaspoons
  8. Vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  9. Walnuts - ½cup (chopped)
  10. Sugar syrup - 3-4 tablespoons (runny, not very thick - mix ½-1 tablespoon of powdered sugar with 3-4 tablespoons of water)
  • Sieve the maida, cocoa powder and soda in a bowl and keep aside
Mixture of Maida, Cocoa Powder and Baking Soda to be sieved 

  • In a separate bowl, mix water, sugar, oil, vinegar and vanilla essence and mix till the sugar melts completely into the mixture.
Sugar, Oil, Water, Vinegar and Vanilla Essence mixed till sugar melts 

  • Add this mix to the dry powder and keep whisking till all lumps are cleared

  • Grease a microwave-safe cooking container with oil and flour and add the batter to it.

  • You can sprinkle some walnuts on the batter. Now microwave (regular settings) this for 6 minutes (open) and once done, allow it to rest for a couple of minutes. Insert a knife or toothpick to see if any batter sticks - if the knife is clear, your cake is ready

  • Once the cake has cooled completely, drop it on a plate and brush/pour sugar syrup on it to leave it moist

Surprise yourself and your loved ones - it is never too late to experiment and cook up easy yet tasty dishes from your heart!